Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Original short story written by anynonymous:
" Far back in time, but shortly after God sealed off Eden, he created the 'seven deadly sins'; Greed, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Lust, Wrath, and Envy (the order doesn't matter; they came into existence at the same time) were all born as the seven ultimate faces of sin. God knew that they would sow the seeds of malice and discontent across the already stained world, but he also knew that if mankind were to ever achieve true virtue, there must be a polar opposite for us to strive against. Thus, God rained down these seven upon the world, each soul that came into existence being more predisposed to two or three of these seven. However, some dis-course occured so much that even God did not forsee it.

Each generation there are seven souls who are born aware of all of the sins, not even over time, but all seven of the deadly sins originally. These seven souls take on the persona of the sin which they enjoy the most, and thus become the incarnations of the seven sins. Scattered across the globe, the seven sins walk freely among us.

The legends say that these seven know each other instantly by sight, though they may never have met before. If they meet one of their kind, they are instantly flooded with the memories of their past incarnations and of their true identities as sins. If all seven should ever come together at once it is said that time itself will stop and they will have to make a choice; they can either continue to wander the Earth for another ten-thousand years in different incarnations, or they can sacrifice themselves and let mankind achieve true peace and prosperity."

My commentary and reflection:

We can take this story as a metaphor for securing or destroying our existence as an already, some-what, advanced civilization.
Over time we've shortened the proverbial wire between us, communication and transportation no longer being an issue of much time. The world is exponentially growing smaller and smaller around us. We would hardly call it a burden, but theologically, this is exactly what the seven sins incur... unity. We become one, and we make the logical decision, "sacrifice" our Earthliness and expand to the cosmos, or continue to wander here as ingrates to eventually become a destroyed, then, ultimately forgotten solule of the vast cmosic array.

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